OE - Winners of Previous Competitions

2024 COE Best Junior Scholar Paper Competition


  • Time Accommodation for Agents with Disabilities in Call Centers by Ruby Han, University of South Carolina, et al.


  • Returns from Aligning Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Contingent Worker Policies, Mateus do Rego Ferreira Lima, Ohio State University, et al.


  • Achieving Operational Excellence Through Balancing Efficiency and Innovation, Kedong Chen, Old Dominion University, et al.
  • Restaurant Density and Delivery Speed in Food Delivery Platforms, Wenchang Zhang, Indiana University, et al.

2023 COE Best Junior Scholar Paper Competition


  • “Sustained Learning Under Algorithm-Driven Automation” by Christina Imdahl, Eindhoven University of Technology (Junior Scholar), William Schmidt, Cornell University, and Kai Hoberg, Kühne, Logistics University


  • “The Effect of Human Resource Allocation on Knowledge Intensive Project Performance” by Antoaneta Momcheva, Stockholm School of Economics (Junior Scholar), Fabrizio Salvador, IE Business School, and Juan Pablo Madiedo, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
  • “Improving Human Decision-Making with Machine Learning” by Hamsa Bastani, University of Pennsylvania, Osbert Bastani, University of Pennsylvania, and Wichinpong Park Sinchaisri, University of California (Junior Scholar)
  • “A Multi-Treatment Forest Approach for Analyzing the Heterogeneous Effects of Team Familiarity”, by Minmin Zhang, University of Texas at Dallas (Junior Scholar), Guihua Wang, University of Texas at Dallas, Wallace J. Hopp, University of Michigan, and Michael Mathis, University of Michigan Medical School

2022 COE Best Junior Scholar Paper Competition


  • Tele-Follow-Up and Outpatient Care, by Wei Gu, Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing, PR China, Meng Li, Associate Professor, University of Houston, USA, and Shujing Sun, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas, USA


  • A Data-driven Approach to Enhance Worker Productivity by Optimizing Facility Layout, by Seyyed Mahdi Ghorashi KhalilabadiDebjit Roy, and René de Koster, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherland
  •  Give me a Choice! A Field Experiment on the Performance Effects of Smartwatch-based Task Assignment, by Daniel KwasnitschkaHenrik Franke, and Torbjørn Netland, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, Chair of POM, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
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