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Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is an international professional organization representing the interests of POM professionals from around the world.


The purposes of the Society are:

  • to extend and integrate knowledge that contributes to the improved understanding and practice of production and operations management (POM);
  • to disseminate information on POM to managers, scientists, educators, students, public and private organizations, national and local governments, and the general public; and
  • to promote the improvement of POM and its teaching in public and private manufacturing and service organizations throughout the world

leading the organization to success

Prof. Subodha Kumar
Subodha Kumar
M. Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Jerry Burke
Gerard (Jerry) Burke
Past President
Nagesh Murthy
Nagesh Murthy
Past President
Zuojun (Max) Shen
Zuojun (Max) Shen
Past President
Raz 	 Gal
Gal Raz
Vice President, Finance
Tiwari 	 Vikram
Vikram Tiwari
Vice President, Meetings
Bala Shetty
Bala Shetty
Vice President, Memberhsip
Rakesh Mallipeddi
Rakesh Mallipeddi
Vice President, Education
Luv Sharma
Luv Sharma
Vice President, Colleges
Michael Pinedo
Michael Pinedo
Vice President, Publications
Emre Demirezen
Emre Demrizen
Vice President, Communcations
Pelin Pekgun
Pelin Pekgun
Vice President, Industry
Diana Ramirez-rios
Diana Ramirez-Rios
Regional Vice President, Americas
Karuna Jain
Karuna Jain
Regional Vice President, Australasia
Mohan Sodhi
Mohan Sodhi
Regional Vice President, Europe
Dino Petrarolo
Dino Petrarolo
Regional Vice President, Africa & Middle East
Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji
Hossein Rikhtehgar Berenji
Constantin Blome 2
Constantin Blome
Board Member
Glen Schmidt
Glen Schmidt
Board Member
Sreekumar Bhaskaran
Sreekumar Bhaskaran
Board Member
Morvarid Rahmani
Morvarid Rahmani
Board Member
Kalyan Singhal
Kalyan Singhal
Founder & Editor-In-Chief
dr sushil gupta picture
Sushil Gupta
Executive Director
Nagesh Murthy
Nagesh Murthy
Associate Executive Director for Global Initiatives and Outreach
Subodha Kumar
Subodha Kumar
Associate Executive Director of POMS Information Technology Services and and Web Editor
Rakesh Mallipeddi
Rakesh Mallipeddi
Social Media Coordinator
Seema Singhania
Seema Singhania
Program Coordinator
Susmita Sarawgi
Susmita Sarawgi
Website Coordinator
Ram Tewari
Ram Tewari
Coordinator Conference Activities

2010 Board Members

President-Elect: Luk Van Wassenhove, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
VP-Finance: Beril Toktay, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, U.S.A.


Kalyan Singhal, in collaboration with about three hundred professors and executives, founded POMS on June 30, 1989. The society held its first international meeting in Washington, D.C. in October, 1990. The inaugural issue of its journal, Production and Operations Management, was published in March, 1992.

Kalyan Singhal

The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) has become the "Gateway to the POM World".

The long term goal and vision for POMS is that it should become the "home" organization for all POM professionals and be recognized as such by other professional organizations, accreditation bodies, university administrators, business and industry leaders, and our own colleagues in business schools. POMS must become the repository of fundamental POM information and the most authoritative source of developments in the POM field.


To achieve this goal, POMS facilitates communication among professors and POM professionals from all over the globe. POMS provides the following multi-dimensional links which create a "virtual department" and provide avenues for sharing ideas that impact teaching, research and practice.

  • electronic links which include the POMS website (www.poms.org) and e-mail to and from the POMS home office (poms@fiu.edu)
  • the printed word which includes Production and Operations Management, an increasingly influential quarterly journal solely devoted to the POM field, and POMS Chronicle, the society's newsletter
  • face-to-face contact at POMS-sponsored conferences both in the United States and in other countries with an opportunity to network with members of POM community from all over the world.

All POMS.org website change requests and comments should be e-mailed to the POMS Executive Director, Dr. Sushil Gupta at poms@fiu.edu.

dr sushil gupta picture
poms wave