Doctoral Engagement Events: "Dealing with Deans / Department Heads" on Thursday November 14

You are cordially invited to join an interactive virtual panel titled "Dealing with Deans / Department Heads" hosted by the POMS College of Service Operations on Thursday, November 14th from 3 pm - 4 pm EDT. The distinguished panelists are Dr. Rohit Verma, Dean, and Dr. Sean Handley, Department Chair Management Science, from the University of South Carolina's Darla Moore School of Business. The session will cover topics such as: interacting with deans / department heads during interviews, when receiving the offer, when negotiating an offer, and as an early-stage assistant professor.

This panel is part of a three-panel series focused on helping doctoral students succeed in their academic careers. This session and the third, Editor Session, are open to members of the College of Service Operations Management.  As a doctoral student you can join POM for free as an affiliate member and join the College of Service Operations for a $15 fee here:

To join the event please register here. Full URL:

If you have any questions please contact Peter Carrera ( The flyer and information is attached.


In service,


POMS College of Service Operations - Doctoral Student Engagement Liaison

poms wave